
Author: admin@nordic

How A Leaky Gut Damages Our Liver

Let me start by saying leaky gut is a term which I hate. This topic has certainly irritated the medical profession too, with doctors for years shunning anyone...

Intervju om IBS med Graeme Jones

Hur arbetar vi på Nordic Clinic Stockholm för att hitta grundorsakerna till IBS? Ca 10% av oss svenskar lider av IBS-besvär. I en intervju för Fonden för...

Food Pharmacy podcast #154 Oxalates

Low oxalate diets is a hot topic! A lot of foods considered healthy contain oxalates, such as beans, leafy greens, and nuts. Is it harmful for humans to eat...

Food Pharmacy podden #154 Oxalates

Low oxalate diets is a hot topic! A lot of foods considered healthy contain oxalates, such as beans, leafy greens, and nuts. Is it harmful for humans to eat...

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