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  • Podcast: Healthcare Innovation Through Functional Medicine in Sweden

Podcast: Healthcare Innovation Through Functional Medicine in Sweden

december 17, 2020

Interview with Graeme Jones in the fxmed Accelerate LIVE! show

In this interview for the fxmed Accelerate LIVE! Show, Graeme Jones shares from his direct experiences as the founder and CEO of the Nordic Clinic in Stockholm. Graeme is a real functional medicine pioneer and innovator in Sweden and Europe. He is an experienced practitioner, highly appreciated educator, and dedicated mentor for functional medicine practitioners in Europe.

You can watch the full interview with Graeme here or go to www.fxmedaccelerate.com to download the interview as well as the interview show notes.

Fxmed Accelerate was founded by Matt Dippl and the company helps Functional Medicine practitioners in Europe build profitable 5 figure businesses through authentic storytelling and scaleable online systems.

Copyright © Nordic Clinic 2020