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  • Interview with ME researcher Jonas Bergquist

Interview with ME researcher Jonas Bergquist

november 17, 2020

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a life-altering and complex multi-system disease that can present as an array of different symptoms that may change over time and differ from patient to patient. The most common symptoms of ME/CFS are profound fatigue, cognitive impairment, post-exertional malaise, unrefreshing sleep, orthostatic intolerance, and pain.

Although ME/CFS has been around as a diagnosis for over 50 years, much is still unknown. The current lack of knowledge about the disease is a reflection of the lack of research funding. It is therefore very gratifying that a new research center for ME/CFS was recently established at Uppsala University. Jonas Bergquist (MD, PhD), professor in analytical chemistry and neurochemistry, leads the research center, which is the third of its kind in the world. The research offers hope for ME/CFS patients.

Graeme Jones at Nordic Clinic Stockholm has interviewed Jonas about ME/CFS and his unique research. You can view or listen to the full interview below.

About Jonas Bergquist

Jonas is a MD-PhD and since 2005 appointed chaired professor of analytical chemistry and neurochemistry at the Department of Chemistry – BMC, Uppsala University. He has a background from Clinical Neuroscience at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Gothenburg University (PhD and associate professor) and he moved to Uppsala in 1999. Since 2011 he is adjunct professor of Pathology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, and since 2015 professor of Precision Medicine, Binzhou Med Univ, China. You can read more about Jonas here.

Published: 17/11/2020

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